Lab 08 - Static Application Security Testing

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Static Application Security Testing

Next we will add a Code Analysis Stage into the pipeline.

We will leverage the Maven Sonar plugin to run SonarQube scanning against our source code.

SonarQube is an open source static code analysis tool that we can use to automate running security scans against your source code to further improve the security of your application. Every time you check-in code, SonarQube will scan the quality and perform a threat analysis of that code.

We leverage the sonarqube maven plugin and specify the maven goal “sonar:sonar” to run our project leveraging the sonarqube api.

SonarQube’s security rules originate from these standards:

In Builds > Pipelines > tasks-pipeline > Actions > Edit

Append the text below to the bottom of the Jenkins Pipeline Configuration. Please make sure to append to the beginning of the next line.

    stage('Code Analysis') {
      steps {
        script {
          sh "${mvnCmd} sonar:sonar -DskipTests=true"

Once we build the full pipeline and run it, we will log into SonarQube and view the various metrics, stats, and code coverage as seen from the screenshot below.

Test Your Pipeline

If you’d like to do a test of first pipeline stage, add the following brackets at the end of your Jenkinsfile. Make sure to append to the beginning of the last line.


Save your Jenkinsfile.

Go back to Builds > Pipelines

Click Start Pipeline

Delete Brackets

Please delete the brackets you just added once testing is complete. We can add them later if you’d like to test your pipeline as you go along.


Click Save

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