Lab 12 - Create and Deploy to Dev

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Add Create Dev Stage

Add Create Dev Stage into the pipeline.

We first check if an deployment config for the Dev Project already exists. If it does not exists, a new application is created and deployment config is defined for the Dev Project.

Before a trigger is created, the pipeline sleeps for 10 seconds. A deployment configuration can contain triggers, which drive the creation of new deployment processes in response to events inside the cluster. In this case, the trigger is set to a manual deployment of the tasks deployment config. The deployment will happen in Deploy Stage.

In Builds > Pipelines > tasks-pipeline > Actions > Edit

Append the text below to the bottom of the Jenkins Pipeline Configuration. Please make sure to append to the beginning of the next line.

    stage('Create DEV') {
      when {
        expression {
          openshift.withCluster() {
            openshift.withProject(env.DEV_PROJECT) {
              return !openshift.selector('dc', 'tasks').exists()
      steps {
        script {
          openshift.withCluster() {
            openshift.withProject(env.DEV_PROJECT) {
              def app = openshift.newApp("tasks:latest")

              def dc = openshift.selector("dc", "tasks")
              while (dc.object().spec.replicas != dc.object().status.availableReplicas) {
                  sleep 10
              openshift.set("triggers", "dc/tasks", "--manual")

Deploy Dev Stage

Enter the Deploy Dev Stage to your pipeline text file.

OpenShift deploys the application and it’s deployment configuration to Dev as previously defined from the Create Dev Stage.

In Builds > Pipelines > tasks-pipeline > Actions > Edit

Append the text below to the bottom of the Jenkins Pipeline Configuration. Please make sure to append to the beginning of the next line.

    stage('Deploy DEV') {
      steps {
        script {
          openshift.withCluster() {
            openshift.withProject(env.DEV_PROJECT) {
              openshift.selector("dc", "tasks").rollout().latest();

Test Your Pipeline

If you’d like to do a test of first pipeline stage, add the following brackets at the end of your Jenkinsfile. Make sure to append to the beginning of the last line.


Save your Jenkinsfile.

Go back to Builds > Pipelines

Click Start Pipeline

Delete Brackets

Please delete the brackets you just added once testing is complete. We can add them later if you’d like to test your pipeline as you go along.


Click Save

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