Stage 3.1 - GitLab

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Stage 3 GitLab Basics

Estimated time to complete: 20 minutes


In Stage 3, we will discuss GitLab basics.

We will run through some of the concepts to understand the power of GitLab.

Understanding the GitLab server is a key part of infrastructure automation.

Here are the requirements for Stage 3


Here is a diagram of Stage 3. This shows all the technology we will be using in Stage 3.

It also defines the use cases we will be working on in Stage 3.


Here is a summary of Stage 3

Stage 3 Summary

From Your Second Server

Run the following commands from the home directory

cd ~/network-automation/infra/gitlab
vi gitlab-dc-2.yaml
Change the hostname and external url (the URL needs to be in DNS server or your host file.)
version: '3.7'
    image: 'gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest'
    container_name: gitlab-ce
    restart: unless-stopped
    hostname: '' (1)
        # Add any other gitlab.rb configuration here, each on its own line
        external_url '' (1)
      - '2222:22'
      - '80:80'
      - '8443:443'
    - '~/srv/gitlab/config:/etc/gitlab'
    - '~/srv/gitlab/logs:/var/log/gitlab'
    - '~/srv/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab'
    shm_size: '2gb'

type i to insert in vi, make your changes to the file and press esc

Shift + zz to save the file and exit

1 Change the hostname and external url (the URL needs to be in DNS server or your host file.)

Run the following commands:

cd ~/network-automation/infra/gitlab
docker-compose -f gitlab-dc-2.yaml up -d
cloud_user@ed26757f4b2c:~$ cd ~/network-automation/infra/gitlab
cloud_user@ed26757f4b2c:~/network-automation/infra/gitlab$ docker-compose -f gitlab-dc-2.yaml up -d
Creating network "gitlab_default" with the default driver
Pulling web (gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest)...
latest: Pulling from gitlab/gitlab-ce
44ba2882f8eb: Pull complete
8fb498f93123: Pull complete
e3d9eb42a8a1: Pull complete
e12e5f53f387: Pull complete
07af258bd5cf: Pull complete
e67086a39069: Pull complete
0618726461d6: Pull complete
c1d678382927: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:62165f88747fc33220a3c0229357b775c3358d3fad3ca8e4c7ca9ff6a2b05395
Status: Downloaded newer image for gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest
Creating gitlab-ce ... done
Wait for the server status to be fully "healthy". You can check by the "docker ps" command. This takes ~5 mins.
cloud_user@ed26757f4b2c:~/network-automation/infra/gitlab$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                     COMMAND             CREATED         STATUS                   PORTS                                                                                                               NAMES
03b5a344de2c   gitlab/gitlab-ce:latest   "/assets/wrapper"   5 minutes ago   Up 5 minutes (healthy)>80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp,>22/tcp, :::2222->22/tcp,>443/tcp, :::8443->443/tcp   gitlab-ce

See how fast it is to create a GitLab Server 🤯

Run the following commands to get the initial root password

docker exec -it gitlab-ce grep 'Password:' /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password

Capture the initial password and browse to the server

http://Server2 (1)
1 Replace Server 2 with your host information

Enter root as the username and paste in the initial password

s3 4
Figure 1: Login to Gitlab

Browse around and feel free to learn more about Gitlab

s3 5
Figure 2: Home Screen

Before we proceed, it is worth changing a few portal settings

Turn off open registration for everyone 

To do this, click the Deactivate button available on the upper bar with a warning

http://Server2/admin/application_settings/general#js-signup-settings (1)
1 Replace Server 2 with your host information

On the new page, uncheck Sign-up enabled to deactivate. Then scroll down and click Save Changes

s3 6
Figure 3: Open Registration

Before we proceed, it is worth changing the root password

To do this, go to the page:

http://Server2/-/profile/password/edit (1)

and enter a temporary password and a new password.

1 Replace Server 2 with your information

We approve the change by clicking Save password and log back in as root

s3 7
Figure 4: Change Root Password

Let check out the Admin area

http://Server2/admin (1)
1 Replace Server 2 with your information

Let’s create a new user

Click the New User button

s3 8
Figure 5: Admin Portal

Enter in your information to create the User and click create user

s3 9
Figure 6: New User

Click edit to create a password for the user

Edit the user in the upper right to change the password

s3 9a
Figure 7: Edit password
s3 10
Figure 8: Change Password

Save Changes

Logout of root and login with the new user account

Let’s create a blank project

s3 11
Figure 9: Create a New Project

Call the project Network Automation

Click internal for a visibility level and uncheck Initialize repository with a README

Check Internal

Uncheck Initialize repository with a README

Click Save

s3 12
Figure 10: Create Network Automation Project

Under the Push to an Existing Folder section

Copy the following command to your clipboard (but don’t yet run the command):

git remote add origin http://server2/knorton/network-automation.git (1)
1 Your FQDN in the URL will be different than the one above
s3 13
Figure 11: Git Remote

Go back to the server terminals and Visual Studio Code IDE on you workstation

In all the locations where you have downloaded the repository

We need disassociate our cloned repository and point it to your new Gitlab-CE server.

You only need to run the git push origin main from one location

Enter the following commands like the picture below shows

cloud_user@ed26757f4b2c:~/network-automation$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
cloud_user@ed26757f4b2c:~/network-automation$ git remote remove origin (1)
cloud_user@ed26757f4b2c:~/network-automation$ git remote add origin http://server2/knorton/network-automation.git (2)
cloud_user@ed26757f4b2c:~/network-automation$ git push origin master
Username for 'http://server2': knorton (3)
Password for 'http://knorton@server2': (4)
Enumerating objects: 273, done.
Counting objects: 100% (273/273), done.
Delta compression using up to 2 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (168/168), done.
Writing objects: 100% (273/273), 391.62 MiB | 10.65 MiB/s, done.
Total 273 (delta 119), reused 209 (delta 87)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (119/119), done.
To http://server2/knorton/network-automation.git
 * [new branch]      master -> master
1 Removing the original origin
2 Your FQDN in the URL will be different than the one above
3 When prompted for the Username. Use the newly created user you just made.
4 When prompted for the Password. Use the newly created user you just made.

Hit refresh on your browser pointing to your GitLab Server and notice all the files from the original repository are now there

Notice all the commit comments are still there

s3 14
Figure 12: Network Automation Repository

End Result

At this point, you will have built a new GitLab Server and pushed all the code to a new Git repository.

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